
How to Measure Success with Email Marketing Tools


Conversion rates are perhaps the main measurement to track email marketing. The conversion rate measures the percentage of beneficiaries who completed an ideal action after clicking on a connection in your email, for example, making a purchase, pursuing a webinar, or downloading an asset. A high conversion rate indicates that your email campaign is driving valuable results for your business. By tracking conversion rates, you can figure out which emails are best at driving conversions and refine your strategies accordingly.


In addition to these key measurements, it’s also important to track other performance indicators, for example, bounce rates, unsubscribe rates, and spam complaint rates. Bounce rates measure the percentage of emails that were not conveyed to the beneficiary’s inbox, either because the email address is invalid or the beneficiary’s inbox is full. High bounce rates can negatively impact your shipper’s reputation and deliverability rates, so it’s important to regularly clean your email list to eliminate invalid addresses.


Unsubscribe rates measure the percentage of beneficiaries who decide to quit getting future emails from your brand. An increase in unsubscribe rates may indicate that your email content isn’t resonating with your audience or that you are sending emails too regularly. By analyzing unsubscribe rates, you can distinguish drifts and adjust your email recurrence and content to better address the issues and preferences of your subscribers.

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Written by haSSAn2028

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